Kathryn Todd, MD
Phone: (503) 649-3213
visit Dr. Todd’s website by clicking below

Uljana Scott, MD
Phone: (503) 649 – 5257
visit Dr. Scotts’s website by clicking below
Aloha Pediatric Clinic
The Aloha Pediatric Clinic has cared for children in the Aloha / Hillsboro / Beaverton community since 1985. We also look forward to serving the new South Hillsboro development! We are very dedicated to our patients. You can often get in the same day or within a day for sick visits and within the same week or next week for well child checks. Waiting for the doctor in the waiting room or examination room is rare – we do our best to not over schedule to allow the doctors plenty of time to spend with patients.

20110 SW Alexander St, Aloha, OR 97003
Located one block north of TV Highway
on SW Alexander St between 198th and 209th in Aloha
Close to the new South Hillsboro Development